Moschus moschiferus L.

Primary Characteristics

Primary Characteristics

Moschus moschiferus L. is aslo known as Kassturi, Musk xylol, belongs to Cervidae, Mamalia, Ruminantia, family.
The Arabic Name for this herb is Misk.
The English Names for this herb are Kasturi, Musk.
The Urdu Name for this herb is Mushk.

Pharmacological Actions

Testicular Extract of Deer:

  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Calorific
  • Demulcent
  • Deobstruent
  • Exhilarant
  • Nervine Tonic
  • Tonic

  • Indications

    The Indications of Testicular Extract of Deer of Moschus moschiferus L. are Nervous Debility, Chorea, Cardiac Debility, Paralysis, Dyspepsia, Anaemia, General Depression, Melancholia, Palpitation, Whooping Cough, Impotence, Epilepsy, Hysteria, Infantile Convulsions, Colitis, Hypochondria.

    No Contra Indication information is available for Moschus moschiferus L..


    The Temperament of Testicular Extract of Deer of Moschus moschiferus L. is 2nd order, warm and dry.

    Available Brands

    BrandManufacturer/Mnf. Representative

    Compound Preparations

    Moschus moschiferus L. is used in the preparation of Hab Jawahar, Hab Khas, Jawahar Mohra, Khamira Abresham Hakim Arshad Wala, khamira Abreshsm Shira Unnabwala, Ma'jun Nankhwah, Ma'jun Nuqra, Mufarreh Mo'tadil, Mufarreh Yaquti mo'tadil compounds.


    Testicular Extract of Deer125.000mg - 250.000mg

    Herb's Description

    Moschus moschiferus L.. Musk is obtained from the preputial follicles of musk deer. The material is found embedded in a sac and occurs as irregular, reddish black, slightly unctuous grains. Musk when fresh is milky but later turns viscid and assumes a brownish-red colour

    Taste Odor & Occurrence

    Odor: The odor of Testicular Extract of Deer of Moschus moschiferus L. is Strong Diffusible
    Testicular Extract of Deer: Bitter Aromatic


    No information regarding Moschus moschiferus L.'s substitute is currently available.

    Active Constituents

    Moschus moschiferus L.'s Active constituents:


    No information regarding Moschus moschiferus L.'s antidot is currently available.

    Warning & Precautions

    May cause headache. Contraindicated in cases where there is any organic complication suspected in pateints.


    Currently no Toxicity information is available for Moschus moschiferus L.. (work in progress)